Portolite Oversized Two-Piece Practice Mound
This product ships directly from the manufacturer. Lead time is around 15 business days.
Green, Clay, Red, and Tan color turf options
Limited 10 year warranty
Great for Bullpens
Two-Piece unit fits in the smallest of storage sheds
- Designed for pitching mechanics, pick-off moves, balance work, and other drills
Highest quality Fiberglass, Poly, and Turf materials.
- For batting practice, bullpens, athletic facilities, and gymnasiums
- Poly coating grips gymnasium floors without scratching
Weighs 55/65 lbs. per section
- Oversized for the tallest pitchers, longest strides and extra “noisy” wind ups
- Dimensions 10"H x 10’6”L x 5’W